===== How to use your Spam Quarantine Notification Email =====
Whenever an email is received for you which is automatically classified as spam,\\
it will be delivered to a spam quarantine area outside the university's mail\\
servers instead of your mailbox.
Two times per day at 09:00am and 03:00pm a spam notification email is sent listing\\
all your emails in quarantine received since the last notification email sent to you.
This notification emails serves several purposes.
1. INFORMATION of new spam emails received for you
2. LISTING all your emails currently in quarantine (click on link)
All active links in this email point to https://spamq.hsrw.eu:83/...
3. SAFE preview into email without danger of links or malware (click on link)
Email text (if any) is at the end after several lines of header information
4. RELEASE of false positives, i.e. incorrectly classified spam emails,
from quarantine to mail server and user mailbox (Outlook, etc.)
Whenever you click on the "Release" link of an email be sure it does not contain
malware because now the email is transferred to the mail servers inside the university's
internal network and to the user's mailbox on its computer(s)!